sponsor hub

Our services and events wouldn’t be possible without our generous partners, donors, and event sponsors. Thank you for your continued support.

Together we are making Canadian youth safer.




Help Gamers Optimize their Brain Health and Performance

Brain health and performance go hand in hand and all kinds of athletes need the support to be at their best. We are excited to be able to support eSports and up and coming gamers with their brain health needs.

Expand Development of a Digital Brain Education Platform

The world is changing and how we educate our kids should too. Your support is enabling us to develop a new digital education platform that aims to reach 100,000 youth by the end of 2021.

Fund CLF HelpLine

CLF HelpLine provides key navigation services for patients with brain injuries. Since its 2019 inception, CLF has served more than 2,500 people across North America.

United States HelpLine Inquiries

Canada HelpLine Inquiries

Support Team Up Speak Up Day

TUSU Day is a CLF social media initiative targeted at improving concussion awareness, recognition, and accountability among teammates. TUSU Day is held annually in September and reaches more than 6 million individuals across North America.

Participate in 2021

for sponsors


    All sponsors will have their logo(s) displayed on the main event page and all event related collateral. There is also opportunities to exclusively sponsor professionally moderated panels and/or segments that will be presented throughout the event.


    Brains and Brawn strives to encourage participants to think differently about brain health and performance. Since 2020, our Brains and Brawn events have facilitated the formation of five youth driven start ups and inspired the redesign of one of our most popular education programs.


    We believe the next generation has the ability and drive to make the future a better place. This is why we strive to empower youth to take charge and make the changes they want to see in the world a reality. To date we have had the opportunity to lead eight students through fellowship/internship programs .

why we started the brains and brawn gaming tournament and live stream


“Can we encourage gamers to think about their brain health and performance and the negative

consequences of too many screens and too little exercise?

This campaign provides an opportunity to inspire and empower gaming communities

across the globe through education and awareness. We have seen the gaming community support

philanthropic causes while doing what they love.”

— Tim Fleiszer, Executive Director of CLFC


“This is a perfect opportunity for traditional sports and esports athletes to come together and

support a cause, as well as each other. Both

sporting cultures will benefit from an increased understanding of the human brain and how to

improve and protect brain health.

While traditional sports often have more experience with the

brain trauma end of the spectrum, brain trauma can lead to serious brain health consequences. On

the other hand, esports athletes will benefit from brain health education as mental health and

brain health is top of mind in these athlete populations.”

— Ben Feferman, CEO of Amuka Esports