why brains and brawn?

Brains and Brawn has been a flagship program for Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada since our inception. In 2020 we reimagined the program to facilitate an experience where students from all over Canada could come together and learn from scientific and design experts while competing for prizes and internships. We completed our first Brains and Brawn challenge in February 2020, just before the onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Despite the challenges surrounding the pandemic, we knew this program could be great and needed to be shared with a larger audience. In response, we re-designed our approach again so we could facilitate these events virtually. In Spring 2021 we were proud to launch our new three-pillar approach that brings together new audiences working towards similar objectives.

Moving forward, we strive to continue to grow the Brains and Brawn brand into a globally recognized program for brain health and innovation. Our objective is to contribute to improving brain health across the globe, with an emphasis on empowering solutions targeted towards at-risk groups and underserved communities.

why esports and video games?

If we can raise awareness and educate people on the potential positive applications of video games (supporting brain health, rehabilitation post-concussion, etc.), we could help to mobilize support for this new field of research. Moreover, we can also work to minimize the negative effects some may experience from video gaming in uncontrolled environments/settings.




Throughout this event, high school students will learn about the brain and be prompted to design solutions that may help to keep their brain healthy and safe during their daily activities. These students will learn how to use design thinking to create solutions virtually on an interactive platform.

The challenge is brought to you in partnership with Play4 Tomorrow. The founder, Brian Bulcke, is a Stanford University alumni and former professional football player with expertise in design thinking and youth programming.


Over the course of two weeks content creators from the global online community will raise awareness about CLFC, concussion, and CTE. Content creators will engage their networks to support CLFC’s work by participating in and supporting our activities, while raising funds so CLFC can continue to serve communities in need.


Up to 1000 participants will compete in a two-day Fortnite tournament to end the Spring/Summer Programming. This tournament has two primary objectives:

1) Provide the gaming community with valuable information on how they may engage in behaviors/lifestyle changes to optimize performance, mental, and physical health.

2) Shed light on how videogames can be leveraged in brain research as a potential tool to understand the brain and eventual rehabilitation.

about concussion legacy foundation canada



Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada’s mission is to advance the study, treatment, and prevention of the effects of brain trauma in Canadian athletes, military personnel and other at-risk groups.


Our vision is a world without CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), and concussion safety without compromise.


Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada was founded in December of 2012 to help solve the concussion crisis in Canada. Since that time, CLF Canada has operated prevention, education and awareness events across the country.

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